Maybe it's my last post for summer of 2011,
because on Saturday I'm going to Crete!!!
So, that'means that I won't have Internet
for two months. I don't know if I'll survive,
but the only sure thing is that I gonna
have the time of my life!
Best wishes for a summer full in love and happiness!!
Hope to see you again,
Angie D.
Happy Birtday to me!
Yeah, on Monday was my birthday,
and I am officially 20!!!
I am so excited because I grow up.
Next Wednesday, I'm finishing
my exams and in 2 weeks
I'll go for holidays with my 3
best friends and my little cousin.
Have a nice summer,
Angie D.
Yes, I know that I have made
so many posts only for summer.
Okay, It's getting annoying but
actually my summer hadn't started yet.
I'm having exams at my university.
So, on July I'll go (finally) to Crete.
This year, I'll take some photos and I'll post them here.
Only for you guys!!!
Have a nice day!!
Angie D.